=== Methods to increase reproducibility in two-class comparisons via gene expression meta-analysis === == Timothy E. Sweeney, Winston A. Haynes, Francesco Vallania, John P. Ioannidis, Purvesh Khatri == == Nucleic Acids Research, 2016 == // // [[http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/gkw797?ijkey=7itZW6jwRCPZQGF&keytype=ref |Link to paper behind paywall]] // //
// // The datasets used in the analysis are all available at their respective repositories; please see Tables S1-S3 for a list of accession numbers. The core code to run the meta-analysis and various subgroup analyses is deposited {{:metacomparison:code.zip|here}}, or can be found on BitBucket at: [[https://bitbucket.org/khatrilab/meta-analysis-comparison-code/|https://bitbucket.org/khatrilab/meta-analysis-comparison-code/]]. The cardiomyopathy data (smallest object) is available {{ :metacomparison:cardioresults.rds |here}}. The other data objects are quite large (~1gb) and are available on request. // //